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Shopping And Payment
Qatar Duty Free offers its customers an opportunity to win One million dollars, luxury cars of Bikes by purchasing Raffle tickets. We always strive to get some of the best luxury cars and finest motorbikes lined up for the raffle draws. Raffle tickets are available for purchase for every passenger departing, arriving or transiting through Hamad International Airport Customers can also purchase the tickets for the Raffle draw of their choice through Qatar Duty free Raffle pages:

The Millionaire Draw
The Car Draw
The Bike Draw

You can select the ticket(s) of your choice and add them to the cart to make payment. You can select upto 12 tickets (from across Millionaire, Car and Bike raffles) for a single payment process.You can pay for your purchases through Credit cards. Qatar duty free accepts three major credit cards: Visa, Master and Diners Club. Credit card details are held in a secure environment and transferred through and internationally accepted system (PCI-DSS compliance).

Only users who have registered with us or who have logged in with Social media (Facebook and Google plus) will be able to make payments and purchase raffle tickets. All unregistered users will be directed to register at the time pf purchase.